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Environmental Technologies

CÉPROCQ, specializing in water treatment since its creation in 1997, is active in the development of eco-process scaling for valorization or reduction of organic or inorganic material contained in water of various origins (agricultural or industrial effluents, process water).

Depending on the problem presented, CÉPROCQ will guide you and the solution best suited to your objectives.

Its research axes gravitate around:

  • treatment of industrial effluents,
  • treatment of agricultural discharges,
  • waste valorization,
  • CO2

Whether for elimination or valorization, CÉPROCQ has facilities on various scales to meet your needs. In addition, to respond to tightening of environmental standards, the Centre has specialized in the extraction of moderately concentrated compounds, a range of concentrations poorly covered by other technologies.

Finally, out of a concern for sustainable development, all the processes developed are designed so that their environmental impact is as low as possible.


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Hollow fibres contactors: a useful tool for Molybdates and Ammonia extraction in process water
World Water Congress & Exhibition, International Water Association, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2014
S. Alex, F. Biasotto, N. Martinez

Recycling rare metals: a necessity to secure their supply
Colloque de l’Association de la recherche au collégial (ARC – Colloquium of the College Research Association), within the context of the 82nd Congress of ACFAS (Association Francophone pour le Savoir, formerly Association Canadienne Française pour l’Avancement des Sciences), Concordia University, Montréal, QC, May 12-16, 2014.
S. Alex, L. Labrosse, E. Sas, N. Martinez, F. Biasotto

Diluted atmospheric CO2: how to get rid of it
Colloque de l’ARC (Colloquium of the ARC) within the context of the 82nd Congress of ACFAS, Concordia University, Montréal, QC (Canada), May 12-16, 2014.
F. Biasotto, N. Martinez, S. Alex

Biorestoration and new water treatment technologies
Atelier Municipalités-CCTT, Colloque du CRIBIQ (Municipalities-CCTT Workshop, Colloquium of the CRIBIQ) , Hôtel Estrimont, Orford, QC (Canada), April 28-29, 2014.
S. Alex, F. Biasotto, Y. Boumghar

How to valorize chitin and chitosan
Colloque Gaspésie et Iles de la Madeleine en mode solution (Colloquium of Gaspésie and Magdalen Islands in solution mode), Centre des congrès de Carleton-sur-Mer, Carleton-sur-Mer, QC (Canada), April 24,  2014.
S. Alex

Membrane contactors: a simple and efficient tool to recover ammonia from aqueous effluents
Congrès des experts du Réseau Trans-tech (Congress of Réseau Trans-tech experts), Hôtel Sépia, Québec, QC (Canada), April 10-11, 2014.
F. Biasotto, L. Labrosse, N. Martinez,
S. Alex

Ammonia pollution: CÉPROCQ solutions
Colloque l’industrie minière en mode solution (Mining industry colloquium in solution mode), Centre des congrès de Rouyn-Noranda, Rouyn-Noranda, QC (Canada), February 12, 2014.
S. Alex

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Sanaz Safa