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What is a CCTT?

College Centres for the Transfer of Technologies (CCTT) are applied research centres affiliated with the “cégeps” and colleges of Quebec, while Réseau Trans-tech is the network of all CCTTs.

The mission of CCTTs is to support your company or your organization in the innovation process through:

  • Technical support: i.e., assistance and coaching through technological change process; the adaptation of technological solutions; knowledge and know-how transfer; etc.
  • Technological development: i.e., the creation or improvement of products; the refining and trialling of specialized processes or devices; the development or upgrading of technologies, workshops and tutorials; knowledge transfer; etc.
  • Information and training: i.e., the development of personalized training programs; technology watch; data searches; post-training follow-up and evaluation; market surveys and feasibility studies; the organization of symposia and colloquia; etc.